

Welcome to the website of the Graduate Program in Letters (PPGL) at the Federal University of Rio Grande.

PPGL - FURG, founded in 2001, has two concentration areas - in History of Literature and in Language Studies – offering to the community a wide scope of research in the fields of Letters and Linguistics through the projects of its researchers.

"Linguagem Neutra: Dissipando Brumas", palestra on-line, dia 30/09/21, às 14h

O Programa de Pós-Graduação em Letras da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande - FURG convida para a palestra "Linguagem Neutra: Dissipando Brumas", a ser proferida pelo Prof. Dr. Rodrigo Borba (UFRJ).

Dia 30/09

Às 14h

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A mediação do evento será do Prof. Dr. Raphael Albuquerque de Boer (ILA - FURG).